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FINX PTY LTD (FinX) is a Lesotho-based internet technologies startup that opened for business in 2018. Through a series of mergers, it has grown to become a lead first mover in the adoption of fourth industrial revolution technologies to address exclusion in a technology-driven market.
The company’s enterprise solutions division offers professional IT and software development services to individuals, private sector companies, NGOs, and the government. As a leading first mover in the software development industry in Lesotho, FINX provides solutions used by thousands of Basotho in their everyday lives.
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Finx is an internet technologies startup that provides professional IT and software development services to individuals, private sector companies, NGOs, and the government through its enterprise solutions division.
Finx addresses exclusion in a technology-driven market by focusing on the adoption of fourth industrial revolution technologies to create local internet infrastructures and content in Lesotho.
Thousands of Basotho use FINX PTY LTD's solutions in their everyday live activities. The impact of the company's solutions on their lives is significant, as it contributes to the development of a more inclusive and technologically advanced society in Lesotho.
FOCUS is the social entrepreneurship wing of FINX PTY LTD. It runs community-based projects and resource pooling endeavors, such as the Maseru Developer Group, Lesotho Carrier Assistant, and African Book Club.
FINX PTY LTD contributes to making Lesotho technologically independent by focusing on the creation of local internet infrastructures and content through its adoption of fourth industrial revolution technologies. The company's specific focus is on encouraging and forging a way towards making Lesotho technologically independent through these efforts.
FINX PTY LTD subscribes to and assumes a leading role in the local chapter of Internet Society. This society is an expert and user group that addresses overarching issues and barriers to the local engineering and adoption of internet technologies invented in Lesotho. FINX's participation in this society allows them to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and opportunities in the field, and contribute to the growth and development of the local internet infrastructure in Lesotho.